Hydroponics might present a solution for farmers growing crops in drought-decimated areas. Rather than utilising dirt, hydroponics utilises nutrient-rich materials or solutions. The system is catching on in drought-ridden countries like Egypt and Israel that are strapped for water.

The following are some of the reasons that hydroponics might be the solution everyone has been waiting for:

Hydroponics systems save water

These systems have been cited to utilise 90 per cent less water compared to soil methods. Consequently, they are more sustainable for indoor use. This is especially true in the drought-prone areas.

A hydroponic system recirculates water. It means that water can be used repeatedly after its run via a pump. This is unlike the conventional soil farming methods that needs water after every 2-3 days, based on climate. Because water in the soil systems evaporates with time, there's need to replenish often. That's something which is impossible in dry regions.

Hydroponics systems are space efficient

With these systems, it's possible to plant many more crops within the same space as conventional farming. That explains why many folks that grow their crops indoors utilise hydroponics. A drip feeder is handy at feeding plants and hardly takes up any space. With wise planning, you can fit a number of plants on a single table and save space by using smaller containers.

Hydroponics systems boast double speed

Since plants enjoy optimum oxygen and nutrients amounts, some of them (depending on the actual plant) can grow twice as fast in comparison to soil farming. Because the system provides high quality nutrients directly, they essentially feed the plant steroids. Consequently, plants tend to grow exceptionally well on the super food. Therefore, you can rest assured that you'll notice exponential growth every day. It simply means that you can not only harvest faster, but also turn out your crop more quickly.

Hydroponics systems require fewer herbicides and pesticides

With this system, every plant is grown inside its own small container. Nutrients are thus channelled directly to the plant. You're guaranteed that there's no way other plants will grow. What does that mean? It means that you can always avoid spraying harmful chemical herbicides. It also means that you don't have to waste time on weeding.

The above facts are a clear indication that when done in large scale, hydroponics systems can create at least part of a solution for agricultural challenges in drought-prone areas. 
